Christ Church Coseley & St Mary's Hurst Hill - Home


Welcome to Christ Church Coseley and St Mary the Virgin Hurst Hill, here you will find information about our churches, and the services that we can offer.

Christ Church and St Mary's play an important role in our local area and serves a wide community. We would welcome you to come to any of our services, where a warm welcome awaits. For further information regarding service times and other festive celebrations please see details on this website. For other general enquiries regarding Weddings, Baptism's and Funerals please get in touch.

Weekly Services

Parish Eucharist is held each Sunday at 10am, with joint worship at Christ Church on the 2nd Sunday of the month and at St Mary's on the 4th Sunday of the month. See the calendar for further information.

What's On This Week

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If you would like further information regarding events taking place during the week such as weddings, baptisms or funerals, please contact the parish office.

Bell Ringing Tributes

Would you like the wonderful bells of Christ Church rung out to mark a special occasion, such as a milestone birthday, anniversary, or other celebratory time? Or would you like to pay tribute to a departed loved one? Contact the Parish Office for details.

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